Sunday, December 30, 2012

Testing, testing.. FAST Pudding

FAST Pudding is a new protein product, launched by FAST Sport Nutrition in October-November 2012. Finnish personal trainers, fitness models and competitors have been "hyping" this for a month now, and I've been meaning to try it out myself to see what the fuss is all about. Now, because this is a Finnish product, I'll be writing this in Finnish, too.

The product comes in two flavours: creme caramel and chocolate. I got my hands on a 700 g bag of creme caramel. The bag costs around 26€ and will give me up to 24 servings of pudding.

The instructions are very simple: mix a scoop of protein pudding powder with 1,5-3 dl milk in a shaker, pour in a bowl and let it set in the fridge for 5 minutes before consumption.

/// FAST Pudding on loppuvuodesta 2012 lanseerattu proteiinivanukas, jota suomalaiset valmentajat, fitnessmallit ja -kilpailijat ovat kovasti mainostaneet ja kehuneet viimeisen kuukauden aikana. Olen itse ollut jokseenkin kiinnostunut kokeilemaan tuotetta, vaikka aiemmat kokemukset proteiinivanukkaista eivät ole olleet maininnan arvoisia.

Tuotetta on kahdessa maussa: toffee ja suklaa. Sain käsiini toffeen makuisen 700 g säkin, josta ehtiikin "testailla" tuotetta jonkun aikaa. 700 g säkki kustantaa kaupassa noin 26€ ja siitä riittääkin noin 24 käyttökertaan, eli yhden annoksen hinta on noin 1€.

Puddingin käyttöohjeet ovat hyvin selkeät: sekoita yksi mitallinen (n 30g) jauhetta 1,5-3dl maitoa "sheikkerissä" (eli proteiinisekoittimesta, esimerkiksi tällaisessa), ravistaen seosta kunnolla. Kaada seos kulhoon ja anna seistä jääkaapissa 5 minuuttia ennen tarjoilua. 


Nutritional info and ingredients of FAST Pudding (Creme Caramel).

Calcium caseinate is a protein derived from casein in skim milk. Caseinate is widely used by bodybuilders and other athletes. Calcium caseinate is ingested before bed or after a workout, as it breaks down at a slower rate than whey protein and supplies the body with a sustained amino acid release. This can help you prevent catabolism, i.e. the breakdown of muscle proteins. Additionally, calcium caseinate contributes to a feeling of satiety, aiding in weight loss. Also, calcium caseinate has a high content of L-glutamine, which is an amino acid essential to building muscle. Calcium caseinate is soluble and does not clot in the stomach. Other than possible allergic reactions, there are no known side effects associated with use of calcium caseinate. 

Inulin is a carbohydrate produced by many types of plants (banana, agave, garlic, onion and many more). Since inulin is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, it is considered a dietary fiber. Inulin is used in processed foods, because it can be used to replace sugar, fat, and flour. Inulin is generally recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The consumption of large quantities (in particular, by sensitive or unaccustomed individuals) can lead to gas and bloating, and products that contain inulin will sometimes include a warning to add it gradually to one's diet. If you're interested in learning more about inulin, read this article.

Sucralose is an non-caloric artificial sweetener. Sucralose is stable under heat, so products containing sucralose can be used in baking. Sucralose is ranked as "safe" and is accepted by the FDA and the European Food Safety Authority, after reviewing more than 100 safety studies on sucralose.

// FAST Pudding toffeen ravintosisältö ja ainesosat:

Kalsiumkaseinaatti on maidosta johdettu proteiini, jota kehonrakentajat ja muut urheilijat käyttävät katabolian eli lihaskadon estämiseksi. Kaseinaattia suositellaan käytettävän iltaisin tai treenin jälkeen, sillä se hajoaa kehossa hitaammin kuin heraproteiini, taaten pitkäkestoisen aminohappojen erityksen. Kalsiumkaseinaatti sisältää myös korkean määrän L-glutamiinia, lihaksen kasvuun tarpeellista aminohappoa. Kalsiumkaseinaattia käytetään myös painonpudotuksen apuna, sillä se luo tunteen kylläisyydestä. Mahdollisten allergisten reaktioiden lisäksi kalsiumkaseinaatin käytöllä ei ole raportoituja haittavaikutuksia.

Inuliini on hiilihydraatti, jota esiintyy luonnossa useissa kasveissa (suurimmat pitoisuudet mm. banaanissa, agavessa, valkosipulissa ja sipulissa). Inuliini ei imeydy ruoansulatuselimistössä, joten se lukeutuu ravintokuituihin. Inuliinia käytetään yhä enemmän prosessoidussa ruoassa, sillä inuliinilla voi korvata sokerin, jauhot ja rasvan. Inuliini on Yhdysvaltain elintarvike- ja lääkeviraston mukaan turvallinen aine. Suurten inuliinipitoisuuksien käyttö saattaa aiheuttaa vatsavaivoja (ilmavaivoja ja turvotusta), jonka vuoksi inuliinipitoiset ruoat suositellaan otettavan käyttöön vähitellen. Jos olet kiinnostunut lukemaan enemmän inuliinista, tsekkaa tämä artikkeli.

Sukraloosi on kaloriton keinotekoinen makeutusaine. Sukraloosi kestää hyvin kuumuutta, joten sukraloosia sisältävät elintarvikkeet soveltuvat hyvin mm. leivontaan. Sukraloosi on luokiteltu turvalliseksi Yhdysvaltain elintarvike- ja lääkevirastossa sekä Euroopan elintarvikevirastossa yli 100 turvallisuustutkimuksen perusteella.

I mixed the pudding powder with 2 dl skimmed milk. It coagulated almost instantly, I had to scoop it out of the mixer - a pleasant surprise. The pudding felt almost like a mousse, not at all like a decent pudding. Not sure whether I like that or not, because the "pudding" was a lot lighter than I expected. The taste was OK, a bit too sweet for my taste. I'm not that into caramel flavoured products, so I'm a bit biased. I tested the product again with satsumas and grapes - MM! Now there's a combo I can honestly recommend. You can also add a teaspoon of raw chocolate powder to the mix to get a lovely chocolate pudding.

Sekoitin pudding-jauheen 2 desilitraan rasvatonta maitoa. Pudding hyytelöityi samantien, jouduin kaapimaan sen sheikkeristäni - olin tähän positiivisesti yllättynyt! Olin odottanut puddingilta aika paljon, tekstuuri ei ollut lähellekään niin hyytelömäinen kuin odotin, enemminkin moussemainen ja aika kevyt. Itse maku oli todella makea, hieman liian makea omaan makuuni. En ole hirveämmin toffeenmakuisten proteiinivalmisteiden ystävä, joten olen tässä puolueellinen. Toisaalta, söin puddingin välipalaksi aamupäivästä, enkä ollut kovinkaan makeanhimoinen, joten vanukkaan makeus meni mulla vähän hukkaan. Kokeilin tuotetta uudelleen satsuman ja viinirypäleiden kanssa - tätä komboa voin suositella :) Voit myös kokeilla sekoittaa pudding-jauheeseen 1 teelusikallisen raakakaakaojauhetta saadaksesi suklaisen vanukkaan.

Conclusion: The product is OK to use when you have a serious hankering for something sweet. The ingredients of the product are pure and suit most people well (but not for people with milk protein allergy!). Because the product has inulin and sucralose, I recommend that you start using the product gradually to minimize any side effects (see above).

Yhteenveto: Tuotetta on ihan OK käyttää, kun on järkyttävä makeanhimo - ihan perus "välipalaksi" tämä ei sovi ainakaan allekirjoittaneelle. Vanukkaan ainekset sopivat suurimmalle osalle ihmisistä hyvin (huom. ei maitoproteiiniallergikoille). Inuliinin ja sukraloosin vuoksi suosittelen puddingin vähittäisen käyttöönoton, jotta mahdollisilta haittavaikutuksilta vältytään (kts. yllä). 

Did I answer all your possible questions about the product? If not, leave me a comment :)

Vastasinko kaikkiin mahdollisiin kysymyksiisi tuotteesta? Jos en, jätä kommentti :)


Friday, December 28, 2012

Clean eating: Smoothie (part 6)

Hi guys, 

Hope you've recovered from all the eating on Christmas. I returned to work today, whoo-eh! 800 emails in my inbox, I thought I would die. Why didn't Santa bring me a nice-looking secretary for Christmas? I'm dissapointed.

I started this morning with a lean ham omelette and this smoothie. I added this picture (and recipe) to my Instagram, and people seemed to love it! Now I want to share this with a bigger audience. (by the way, my instagram account is @pug_a_licious. Follow me for new recipes (and "pugstagram" pictures, ha-ha).

Clean eating: Mango and blueberry smoothie
(serves 4)

1 cup diced mango (fresh or frozen)
½ cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
1 tbsp maca
1 tbsp lucuma
1 tbsp Opti-MSM
1 tsp spirulina
1-2 cups water

1. Place all the ingredients in a mixer and blend until smooth.
2. Adjust the consistency of the smoothie by adding more water - the smoothie should be drinkable :)
3. Pour in medium to tall glasses - enjoy!

Tip #1: You don't need to use "superpowders" at all - just blend the fruits and berries together for a nutritious smoothie.
Tip #2: In case you want to start using superfoods, start off with one powder. I'd recommend maca for a start - I use lucuma to balance the bitter taste.

I challenge you to try this one out - let me know what you think!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Top 5 tips to stay in shape during the holidays (part I)

Hi guys,

First off, I have to apologize for being offline for so long. I've been extremely busy, to say the least. My 4-day work week has expanded like crazy. Some days it feels like I haven't gotten any shuteye at all, because I've been going through work issues in my sleep. Sounds great, doesn't it? ;)

My k-razy workout routines have been on a break, too. It felt really weird not to work out for two whole weeks, but I totally needed the break. My stress levels were through the roof 24/7 for three weeks - all I did was brisk walks with my puppy pug and yoga. *sigh* Thank goodness it's over.

I've been seeing quite a few nutritional coaching clients in the last week. The main topic of our discussions seems to be Christmas: how can I get through the holidays without gaining weight?

Ok, I understand the question. Christmas is all about staying indoors and eating for most people.

Tip #1: Think of it this way: Christmas lasts three days, consider it a long weekend. It is physically impossible to gain more than a pound or so during that time (depending on your normal eating habits, of course).
If you have a regular eating routine, you most likely won't screw everything up in a few days.

Tip #2: Maintain your normal eating rhytm during the holidays. Eat a protein-packed breakfast, a decent salad for lunch and healthy snacks to make sure you're not starving before the big christmas dinner.

 Tip #3: Fill your plate with veggies and lean meats, take it easy with carb-filled foods. As always, stop eating when you're satisfied - it's OK to leave food on the plate. Have fruits and berries for dessert and skip the truckloads of chocolates.

Tip #4: Don't eat between meals. I know, holiday treats are delicious, but try to steer clear from the kitchen between meals. Eat because you're hungry, not because you're bored.

Tip #5: Enjoy your meals. Don't feel guilty for enjoying holiday meals with your friends and family. As I said earlier, Christmas is just a few days - make it a happy holiday!

Merry Xmas, guys.

Coming up: How to stay in shape during the holidays (part II) - the workouts.

Picture source